Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Up in the bushes....

     Sitting at my desk this morning, a local lobsterman strolls in to pick up his check. I've been in the business twenty plus years but what I was about to hear.... I didn't even understand.

Bret: " See you got a good chaaage of haaad shells"

Lobsterman: " Yuh, picked up thirty off a pair"

Bret: " You must be fishin up in the bushes"

Lobsterman: "Yuh, that's why they call em' sucka bugs. If you blow a line on yur boat yur out 4 or 5 days though"

 I'm nodding my head along with the conversation, but I'm thinking "WTF are they talking about?" After a short conversation with Bret after the lobsterman leaves I got a translation.

Bret:" I noticed you caught a lot more hard shells then normal last week."

Lobsterman:" Yes, I even caught 30 pounds in two traps in one spot"

Bret:" You must be fishing in tight against the shore"

Lobsterman:" Yes but that's why they call them sucka bugs - the lure of a good catch draws you in close to shore , but, when you're in less than 10 feet of water you run the risk of losing gear or trashing your boat."

Got it.